4 Top Tips to keep your hair healthy during lockdown

Guilty of neglecting your hair during lockdown? Gone to sleep with your hair wet? Or maybe you've abandoned your hair washing routine completely? As tempting as it might be to spend less time on your hair care, it can actually have detrimental effects to your hair's health. Here are our simple top tips for looking after your hair during lockdown and keeping those spilt ends at bay until you can get to the salon.

  1. Use Less Heat

It’s the perfect time for using less heat on your hair, with many of us opting for updos or embracing our natural locks. However, if you do fancy styling it try using a lower setting on your hairdryer and heated tools and invest in good quality heat defence spray.

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Thermal Stress Protector

2. Brush your hair

Now this one might seem really simple, but now we’re all staying inside you might be tempted to skip brushing your hair. Brushing your hair has great benefits for your hair and scalp, it helps to distribute oils from your roots (which don’t usually need it), to the ends of your hair (which will be grateful for the extra moisture). If you’re not brushing your hair you could be finding your roots are getting greasier quicker and when there’s excessive build-up on your scalp, this can lead to more problems such as dandruff. 

If your hair usually tangles or knots easily, then you can expect this to happen more often if you’re not brushing your hair. Trying to then untangle these later on can cause breakages and weaken your hair.

Try using a soft Bristle & Boar Brush, the finer bristles on these brushes help to sistribute oil where needed, ensure to section hair to get underneath too for thicker hair.

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John Masters Organics Combo Paddle Brush (Eco Friendly)

John Masters Organics

Combo Paddle Brush (Eco Friendly)

3. Treat your scalp

An area which is often completely overlooked during your hair regimen, but is essential for keeping your hair healthy. We recommend an invigorating scalp massage, which can do wonders for your hair and your mind too. Your circulation and blood flow is increased during the massage which delivers oxygen and essential nutrients to your scalp, rejuvenating the skin, encouraging the production of hair follicles and in turn accelerating the growth of healthy hair. 

Scalp massages are also great for removing any dead skin cells on the scalp. Oil and product build-up can cause flaky skin and an irritated scalp. A scalp massage helps to buff any of this excess build-up away that hasn’t been removed from washing. 

An added benefit of scalp massages are that they can significantly boost your mood. They increase the production of serotonin, the chemical in the body that contributes to your wellbeing and happiness. This lifts your energy levels and helps to alleviate your mind of any stress and tension.

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Oway Micro Stimulating Hair Bath & Vivifying Remedy


Micro Stimulating Hair Bath & Vivifying Remedy

4. Eat a healthy diet 

The condition of your hair is a result of your inside health and requires many essential nutrients to maintain strong and shiny locks. 

Protein is crucial for strong, healthy hair. As our hair is made of protein it can become brittle and weak without enough protein in your diet. Good sources of protein are chicken, turkey, fish, dairy products and eggs, with legumes and nuts also a great vegetarian option.

Your intake of Iron plays an important role in hair growth, as the hair follicle and root are fed by a nutrient rich blood supply. Too little iron can disrupt the nutrient supply, affecting the hair growth cycle. You can find iron in red meat, chicken, fish, lentils, spinach and other leafy green vegetables like broccoli and kale.

Vitamin C helps to increase the absorption of iron, eating foods such as kiwis, oranges, strawberries and blueberries will contribute to this. Vitamin C is also an antioxidant and can stimulate the production of collagen which strengthens the capillaries that supply the hair shafts.

Vitamin A aids the creation of sebum, which provides natural conditioning properties to the scalp and nourishes hair. Vitamin A can be found in orange and yellow coloured vegetables such as carrots, sweet potatoes and pumpkins.

Protect your scalp with minerals Zinc and Selenium by consuming fortified cereals, wholegrains, oysters beef and eggs. Biotion-rich foods like wholegrains, egg yolk, soy flour and yeast can help to strengthen brittle hair and encourage hair growth too.


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